Sharing Files using OneDrive
With OneDrive, you can securely store your pictures, files, and folders in one place, share them with others, and get to them from anywhere. The following instructions will demonstrate how to share a file with the OneDrive Web Client:
Step 1:
Log into your Office 365 account through AccessFUS (“Office 365” button) or at

Step 2:
Click on your OneDrive Application Icon

Step 3:
Right click on the document you wish to share (you may need to upload or create a new file first)

Step 4:
Click “Share”

Step 5:
If you want to keep track of each individual’s contributions to the file, skip this step. Otherwise, type in the contact information of the users you wish to share the document with, and you’re finished!

Step 6:
We will now grant permissions in a way that tracks individuals’ contributions to the file. Click the 3 dots, then click Manage Access

Step 7:
Click the Advanced button

Step 8:
Click on the Grant Permissions button

Step 9:
Enter the user information in the top box, make sure Require sign in is marked, and then click share