Customizing your Outlook Quick Access Toolbar
The Quick Access Toolbar is a customizable toolbar that contains a set of commands that are independent of the tab on the ribbon that is currently displayed. In the following scenario, a Today button is added to the Quick Access toolbar which returns the Outlook calendar to the current date.
You are working in Outlook Calendar and want to return to today’s date.
Add the “Today” icon to the calendar’s Quick Access Toolbar
Step 1:
Find the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)

Step 2:
Click on the Customize Quick Access Toolbar icon in red circle.
Drop down box appears > left click on “More Commands”

Step 3:
The Customize Quick Access Toolbar box opens
Left click on the little down triangle next to Popular Commands

Step 4:
New Window appears, left click on Home (Calendar) Tab

Step 5:
New window opens with a list of all the calendar options to add to customize the Quick Access Toolbar
- Scroll down the list in the left column and left click on Today.
- Next click on the Add button in the middle of the page to move Today into the right column.
- Click OK at bottom of screen. The Today icon will now be added to the Quick Access Toolbar.

Step 6:
Now wherever you are in the Outlook Calendar, to return to today’s date just click on the Today icon on the Quick Access Toolbar.